Hi, I’m Queenie Leung
Who am I?
I am an accredited Creative Mindfulness Kids practitioner, a registered teacher and a music specialist who is passionate about supporting the mental well-being of children through music, mindfulness practices and meditation.
I completed the Creative Mindfulness for Kids training with Louise Shanagher (founder of Creative Mindfulness®, Ireland) and enjoy facilitating mindfulness workshops to children 4-12 years old.
Creative Mindfulness ®(Ireland)認證之 Creative Mindfulness for Kids 導師.
香港註冊教師,曾任職於多間不同的國際幼稚園和小學. 教學經驗超過15年.現從事兒童靜觀導師及一國際學校的音樂專科教師
Why mindfulness?
To foster a pleasant moment of calm
Altering and strengthening key brain networks for better mental health
Promote positive change in the brain pathways involved in stress, focus and attention, memory, and mood
Mindfulness(靜觀)可以定義為「一種覺察力,透過有意識地、不加批判地留心當下的經驗」(Kabat-Zinn, 2003,P.145)。靜觀練習是一種經過科學實證的方法,非宗教性的, 可以改善情緒以及許多其他精神或身體狀況。每個人都可以做到靜觀,並透過練習,為自己帶來不同的好處。
課程目標: 透過不同形式,有趣及適合兒童的簡單靜觀活動,讓孩子們開始建立靜觀習慣, 從而提升他們的專注力及學會如何和不同情緒相處的技巧. 導師亦會帶領小朋友分享感受,鼓勵他們回家與家長一起做簡單的靜觀小練習.
Age-level learning
Little Kids & Parents: 4 - 6 years old
Big Kids: 7 - 9 years old
Pre-teen: 10 - 12 years old
Online/ In-person
課程中的靜觀活動任何年紀的孩子也可參與 , 不同年紀的孩子在參與同樣的活動中可能有不同的感受.年齡建議是基於孩子們的認知及行動能力標準來決定,並非規限. 如果孩子是初接觸靜觀活動, 讓他慢慢認識與了解靜觀活動的模式, 培養興趣讓他們更有安全感和成功感.
很多時候初次接觸靜觀的孩子(尤其年紀較大的),在參與活動時會顯得不太專注. 希望家長留意活動的目的是引導孩子體會或感受,並非考核他們的知識及得著. 所以請不要給自己及孩子在靜觀上有壓力, 或每次需要做出“正確答案”.
Here are some of the Creative Mindfulness Kids activities that your child will engage in…
‘All Feelings are OK’ Card
'There are excited, scared, happy, angry, shy, super angry, jealous, exhausted and calm. “All feelings are ok” means no bad feelings, these feelings are all normal.’ by Max (8 years old)
Mindful breathing for children is when they take the time to pay close attention to their breathing during that moment of time.
This is a picture of Queenie demonstrating using a ‘breathing ball’.
Learners are encouraged to notice and name how the different breathing exercises affect how they feel, think and behave.
Your mind is the sky and your thoughts are the clouds.
Spend a few moments noticing your breath and then your thoughts. Learn to see your thoughts from a different perspective and decide what to do with the thoughts.
Learning about the difference between a calm mind and a busy mind using a Mind Jar. Learners make their own Mind Jars and use them as a visual tool to practice mindful breathing.
Learners were asked to choose an emotion, design and give it a name. What can you do when this emotion is here to visit?
‘This is Sad Sam. It is blue and is a triangle. I can do alligator breathing when Sad Sam is here. I can listen to “I’m Still Standing” and play in my room and I will feel better. I can tell my Mama why I am sad.’ by Micah (5 years old)
Children are delighted to use their own mind jars during mindful practices. The product is nice but the process of making the jars is more important. The mind jar is a great visual tool to support the understanding of a busy mind and how we can have mixed feelings.
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“Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.”
Sharon Salzberg